Florian Hoffmann


Festivals and Awards - Selection

| 2023 selected for the Munich Screenwriting Workshop
| 2022 Stille Post - Achtung Berlin "Best Script" and "Best Actor"
| 2022 Berlinale Talents
| 2022 Stille Post - “particularly valuable” by the German Film Rating Commission (Germany)
| 2021 Whispers of War – Audience Award (Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival)
| 2021 Whispers of War – Audience Award (Thessaloniki Filmfestival, Greece)
| 2020 Whispers of War - “European Work-in-Progress Award” (Filmfestival Cologne, Germany)
| 2019 Time of the Monsters (Author: Jacob Hauptmann) – “Best Script” (Sehsüchte Filmfestival, Germany)
| 2016 Arlette. Courage is a Muscle - "Directors' Award“ (North Carolina Filmfestival, USA)
| 2016 The Dictators' Hotel - “particularly valuable” by the German Film Rating Commission (Germany)
| 2016 Arlette. Courage is a Muscle - “Best Documentary“ (New York Bushwick Filmfestival, USA)
| 2016 Arlette. Courage is a Muscle - “Best Film“ (MakeDox, Macedonia)
| 2015 Arlette. Courage is a Muscle - “German Camera Award“ (Cologne, Germany)

Film / TV - Selection

2023 |
Grand Hotel Hoffnung | feature film | in development
2023 |
The Report | TV series | Lemingfilm, Match Factory | in development
2021 |
Time of the monsters | feature film | Chromosom Film, Kazak Film | rbb, arte
2022 |
Un-Happy | docu-series | weltrecorder | arte
2021 |
Stille Post (EN: Whispers of War) | feature film | Chromosom Film, ZDF - Das kleine Fernsehspiel | ZDF
2021 |
Street Philosophy | docu-series | weltrecorder | arte
2018 |
Egal gibt es nicht (EN: I don't care doesn't count) | documentary | Tara Biere Media Productions, dffb | 3Sat
2015 |
Arlette - Courage is a muscle | documentary | PS Film, dffb | SRF, 3Sat
2015 |
Hotel der Diktatoren (EN: The Dictators' Hotel) | documentary | dffb

Theatre - Selection

Audio - Selection

Residence: Berlin

Place of birth: Berlin

Year of birth: 1987

Training: 2011-2021 Directing Studies at the Deutschen Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin dffb, BA in Politics, Sociology und Ethnology (University Basel)